
Beru Dayang

The Sacred Fruit: Unveiling the Rice Origin

Beru Dayang | Edisi Indonesia

Indonesian Folklore Webpage

Folklore from North Sumatra

There was a kingdom ruled by a wise king, and the people lived in peace and contentment. They subsisted on fruits daily since rice didn't grow there, and they had no knowledge of it.

The kingdom suffered a prolonged drought, causing extreme heat. Rain hadn't fallen for a long time, leading to the slow demise of trees and animals. Starvation loomed, and hunger gripped the people.
Beru Dayang and his mother also faced starvation. Beru Dayang, still a child, weakened from days without food, cried out in desperation for something to eat.

His mother, feeling hopeless, couldn't provide for her beloved son, and Beru Dayang's condition deteriorated rapidly. His cries grew feeble until he couldn't voice anything. Taking his last breath, Beru Dayang passed away.

His mother's grief was immense; losing her only child shattered her heart. After burying her son, she went to the river.

"Oh, deities, this pain is unbearable. Losing my child has broken me. There's no reason for me to live."
She leaped into the river, and miraculously, upon touching the water, transformed into a fish. Meanwhile, a tree sprouted from Beru Dayang's grave, bearing a large fruit that puzzled the people.

"Hurry, let's eat this fruit!" exclaimed one man.

"No, we're uncertain of its nature. We should be cautious. Why not inform the King about it?" suggested another.

They rushed to the palace, presenting the fruit to the King.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with this fruit? Can we eat it?" inquired one man.

The King replied, "Let me first pray and seek guidance from the Gods and Goddesses on this matter."
After praying, the King heard a voice.

"Do not eat the fruit! It embodies a young boy named Beru Dayang. Cut the fruit into pieces and plant them in the ground. New trees will sprout, bearing a new food source. Help Beru Dayang find his mother!"

The King followed the instructions, and new trees began to grow from the planted pieces. They bore white, hard grains. Cooking and tasting them revealed a delightful surprise—rice!

The people rejoiced, finally having a new food source that they cherished. Grateful to the gods and goddesses, they aimed to reunite Beru Dayang and his mother. Their solution? They consumed the rice and the fish together. ***

Moral Lesson: Embracing Wisdom and Kindness

This story emphasizes the significance of wisdom in heeding higher guidance and the virtues of kindness and aiding others. Despite the tempting chance to partake of the enigmatic fruit, the community opted to seek counsel from their King and invoke divine intervention. Their reverence for the received guidance led to the revelation of rice, a newfound and invaluable sustenance. Furthermore, their commitment to assisting Beru Dayang and her mother underscores the essence of collaboration and goodwill in securing blessings.