
The Legend of Saba Mpolulu Mountain

Legenda Gunung Saba Mpolulu >> Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Folklore from Southeast Sulawesi

THERE were two big mountains in Southeast Sulawesi. The two mountains' names were Mata Air Mountain, which means wellspring, and Kamonsope Mountain.

The two mountains were separated in a long distance. Each mountain had a guard. A fat man guarded the Mata Air Mountain while the one who guarded the Kamonsope Mountain was a beautiful woman.

Meanwhile, Mata Air Mountain suffered a long drought. Rain had not fallen for a very long time. Slowly, trees became dried. Animals one by one died. The fat man was restless. He was confused what to do.

The fat man heard that rain fell down regularly in Kamonsope Mountain. He planned to go to Kamonsope Mountain. He wanted to make tunnel from Kamonsope Mountain to Mata Air Mountain. But first, he had to get the permission from the guardian, the beautiful woman.

"Mata Air Mountain is dry now. We need lots of water. I plan to make a tunnel to water the Mata Air Mountain. Do you agree with that?" asked the fat man.

The beautiful woman was upset to hear the fat man's request. She said, "No! I need the water for Kamonsope Mountain. I have to save the water just in case I also suffer the long drought!"

"But I need water badly," begged the fat man.

"I don't care! That your own problem!" yelled the beautiful woman.

The fat man kept on asking the woman to give her some water, but she always refused his request.

The fat man gave up. He went back to Mata Air Mountain. He was extremely angry! He wanted to revenge and gave her a lesson. What would he do? Well, he wanted to destroy Kamonsope Mountain with his cannon!

The fat man prepared his cannon and aimed toward the Kamonsope Mountain.


Unfortunately, he missed the target. He repeatedly shot Kamonsope Mountain but he never reached the target.

In the meantime, the beautiful girl was angry when the Kamonsope mountain she guarded was under attack. She also used her cannon to attack Mata Air Mountain She aimed at the Mata Air Mountain and shot it with her cannon.

"Bang!" she hit the target.

She was not satisfied. She was very angry and did not want to stop.

She kept on shooting the Mata Air Mountain. Slowly, the top part of Mata Air Mountain destroyed.

Finally the top part of Mata Air Mountain became flat. It looked Ike an axe that lost some of its part.

Since then people named Mata Air Mountain as Saba Mplolulu Mountain. Saba means incomplete and Mpolulu means an axe. ***

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