
Tigers of Indonesia

There were three types of tigers in Indonesia, two of them are extinct

Read the tiger Story: The Story of Panyalahan Village (The Faithful Tiger)

The Cat and the Tiger

Indonesian Folklore Webpage

Bali Tiger (Panthera tigris balica), harimau Bali in Indonesian, or referred to as samong in archaic Balinese language, was a subspecies of tiger which was founded solely on the small Indonesian island of Bali. This was one of three subspecies of tiger found in Indonesia, together with the Javan tiger, which is also extinct, and the critically endangered Sumatran tiger. It was the smallest of the tiger subspecies. (

Javan Tiger  (Panthera tigris sondaica) is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to the islands. (
Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a rare tiger subspecies that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was classified as critically endangered by IUCN in 2008 as the population is projected to be 441 to 679 individuals, with no subpopulation having an effective population size larger than 50 individuals, with a declining trend. (

During the Pleistocene era, the Sunda Shelf region of Indonesia was home to the extinct tiger subspecies known as the Ngandong tiger (Panthera tigris soloensis).

With a body weight of up to 470 kilograms and an estimated tail length of up to 4.1 meters, this tiger is the largest cat species to have ever existed.

Find out more!
Save Sumatran Tigers from Extinction.
Indonesia's Sumatran tiger could be the first large predator to become extinct this century, unless poaching for body parts and illegal logging in the area are stopped. Today, the total population of Sumatran tigers left in the wild is estimated to be of only 400 to 500. (

Tiger SOS: three steps to saving the Sumatran tiger
Tigers are now close to extinction. If we want this magnificent beast to still roam the jungles in 2050, we have to act fast. And it is important that we do, because saving the tiger is much more than just saving a species.  

The Zoological Society of London's unique approach to saving the Sumatran tiger, the subject of our Tiger SOS campaign, can be outlined in three steps.

First, stop the killing. 
Second, save the habitat. 
And third, make it sustainable.
Our “Wildlife Crime Units” in Indonesia are on the front line, tackling the poaching on the ground. 

 Our “Tiger Corridors Team” are working with government and industry to plan development, enabling Indonesia’s people to progress to modern lifestyles without destroying their forests; and our “Tiger Friendly Carbon Trading” project will make the whole thing sustainable. 

Our tigers will connect with every visiting child – they may not grow up to beconservationists, but instead be politicians, movie stars or even (perish the thought) bankers; but they will grow up remembering the day that they looked a tiger in the eye, and just maybe that will change their adult lives. (

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