
The Epic Tale of Keramat Bujang

Bujang's Legendary Adventure: The Tale of Belitung Island

Edisi Bahasa Indonesia: Hikayat Keramat Bujang

In a forest called Ai' Mebiding, in Bantan Village, there are two very special tombs. The first is the Tomb of Tu' Rangga Tuban and his wife, and the second is the Bujang Sacred Land on Mount/Bukit Bujang. These two tombs contain great stories about the strength and courage of Tu' Rangga Tuban and Bujang.

Tu' Rangga Tuban comes from Java, and he is known as a very strong and clever man. He has two wives and an adopted son named Bujang. Bujang is a charming and very talented young man.

Tu' Rangga Tuban always carries a sharpening stone on his left arm, which he uses when fighting against enemies. The existence of this sharpening stone always brings disaster to anyone who tries to use it because it can cause injury.

Apart from that, Tu' Rangga Tuban is also an expert in making boats. In fact, there is a place called Lemong Perahu in the Bantan area, which is known as the place where he made his boat.

One day, Tu' Rangga Tuban went to Palembang and brought home a very lively quail. The bird made it difficult for him to sleep, and he had to look after it very carefully.

However, Tu' Rangga Tuban's true greatness was his ability to make boats and martial arts. All this greatness was passed down to Bujang, his adopted son, who became greater than his adopted father. This made Tu' Rangga Tuban jealous, and he planned a crime.

Tu' Rangga Tuban began to ignore Bujang, making him feel unappreciated. However, Bujang always obeyed and respected his father, even though he knew that Bujang was only his adopted son.

But then Tu' Rangga Tuban did something very cruel. He didn't feed Bujang at all. Bujang was very hungry, but he remained obedient and did not eat without his parents' permission.

However, one day Tu' Rangga Tuban unexpectedly gave Bujang food. But the food was poisonous, and Bujang became sick. His stomach was empty when he went to sleep because he felt so weak.

When Bujang woke up, he found himself in a burning hut. Tu' Rangga Tuban had planned to kill Bujang in this way. However, Bujang managed to survive.

The bachelor is given the opportunity to take the treasure, but he must give up the blood of the person he loves. Bujang found a way to replace human blood with tannin sap. However, the treasure is difficult to steal and is sacred. Until now, no one dared to try to take the treasure.

Bujang is a true hero who faces all obstacles and evil, and his treasure remains hidden in Bukit Bujang.

Moral Message: Loyalty Defeats Deception

The moral message of the story "Hikayat Keramat Bujang" is about courage, loyalty, and determination in the face of trials and evil. Bujang, as the main character, shows extraordinary courage and loyalty towards his adoptive father, Tu' Rangga Tuban, even though he is faced with various obstacles and crimes committed by his adoptive father. The moral of this story teaches the importance of sticking to the values of goodness, loyalty, and personal beliefs, even in difficult situations. Bujang is an exemplary example of how a person can overcome trials and maintain his integrity, even when faced with evil and deceit.


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