
Mouse-deer and Snail

A Lesson in Humility: The Race of Kancil and Siput

Edisi Indonesia: Kancil dan Siput

The Tale of Kancil (Mouse-deer) and Siput (Snail)

In the heart of the dense forest, where the trees seemed to whisper ancient secrets and the sun cast its gentle glow upon the canopy, lived the boastful Kancil. Known for his cunning intellect, Kancil took great pride in his wit, often parading it before the other creatures of the woods.

One fine morning, amidst the chatter of the birds and the rustling leaves, Kancil boldly declared his superiority to all who would listen. His friends, usually admirers of his intelligence, were taken aback by his sudden arrogance.

It was the wise and serene Siput who, upon hearing Kancil's boastful claims, dared to challenge him to a race, a test to determine the most clever among them.

"Let us race, Kancil," Siput calmly proposed. "Let's see who truly stands as the wisest."

Kancil, chuckling disdainfully, replied, "How can you, tiny and slow as you are, possibly outrun me? I am the epitome of speed and wit!"

However, Siput insisted on the race. Secretly, Siput gathered his kin and devised a plan. He arranged them along the racecourse with specific instructions: every time Kancil called out, they were to answer in unison.

The next day, as the race commenced with a resonating shout from the referee, Kancil and Siput bolted forward. Kancil sprinted with absolute confidence, believing Siput couldn't possibly match his pace.

Far ahead, Kancil halted abruptly and called out, "Hey, Siput! Where are you?"

"Here I am!" came the reply, not from behind but ahead.

Confused, Kancil sprinted faster, determined to leave Siput behind. Again, he stopped and shouted, "Siput, you must be trailing far behind, right?"

"No, I'm in front!" echoed the response.

Perplexed and panting, Kancil pushed harder, oblivious to the fact that it wasn't Siput responding.

This repeated several times until the finish line was in sight. Kancil, certain of his victory, dashed past it with a triumphant cry.

"I've won! Look, I've won!" he jubilantly proclaimed.

But to his astonishment, Siput, who had been standing at the finish line all along, calmly approached Kancil.

"Have I lost to you?" Kancil gasped incredulously.

"Indeed," Siput replied gently. "Thus, am I not wiser than you?"

Acknowledging his defeat, Kancil apologized for his arrogance. Siput forgave him, reminding both that comparing oneself to others was unnecessary. They embraced the lesson that pride is unbecoming, and every creature holds its unique strengths and weaknesses.

This tale teaches us the folly of pride and the wisdom in recognizing individual differences, offering a valuable lesson for young minds.

Learning Humility: Recognizing Wisdom Beyond Appearance

The moral of this story emphasizes that pride often precedes a fall. Arrogance and underestimating others can cloud our judgment of their intelligence or capabilities. Everyone possesses unique strengths, and respecting these differences while learning from others is crucial. Embracing humility and avoiding a condescending attitude helps us realize that intelligence isn't always evident from outward appearances.

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