
Mouse Deer and Turtle

Kancil and Turtle: Striking Harmony in Companionship

Edisi Indonesia: Si Kancil dan Kura-kura

Nusantara Folklore

Once upon a time, a tale circulated about the Kancil, known as the Mouse Deer in Indonesian folklore, and the Turtle. It's said that Kancil was headed to the river for a drink. The sun beamed, the wind soothed, and the symphony of flowing river water filled the air. En route, Kancil stumbled upon a gathering of a buffalo, a mother deer, and a turtle. Intrigued, Kancil pondered their harmonious interaction.

Curiously, Kancil approached the buffalo, querying, "What's your rapport with the turtle?"

The buffalo replied, "The turtle is kind and unassuming."

Unconvinced, Kancil approached the mother deer. "You're close to the turtle, right?" inquired Kancil.

"Yes, he's good. But why do you ask?" responded the mother deer.

Leaving with a pang of jealousy, Kancil felt overshadowed and unappreciated.

Crafting a devious plan, Kancil fabricated a tale to ostracize the turtle. He misled the buffalo, claiming, "Be wary of the turtle! He gave a drink to the pigeon, and it fell ill. The turtle laughed!" It was a fabricated story.

Fearing the turtle, the buffalo distanced itself. Kancil smirked, his scheme a success. He deceived the mother deer with a similar falsehood, manipulating her beliefs.

Kancil rejoiced as his friends shunned the turtle. However, the turtle, baffled by the sudden alienation, sought answers.

"What's amiss with my friends? Why the avoidance?" queried the turtle.

Pretending ignorance, Kancil avoided the truth. Persistently, the turtle urged Kancil to be forthright.

Irritated, Kancil departed, retorting, "I don't know. You're too inquisitive!"

Refusing to own up to his deceit, Kancil left the turtle in solitude.

Unexpectedly, Kancil fell into a deep hole in the forest, pleading for aid, yet no one came.

Moral Message: Equilibrium in Relationships

This tale imparts the lesson of not envying others' friendship dynamics. Each person has unique preferences in friendship. Kindness to all is pivotal to garnering friendships, but acknowledging personal boundaries in social interactions is equally essential. Avoid adopting dishonest tactics, akin to Kancil's, to sever connections. It underscores the significance of honesty and comprehending friendship limits for sustaining genuine and healthy relationships.

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