
The Conqueror of the Eagle

True Valor: The Heart of Courage and Honesty

Edisi Indonesia: Si Penakluk Rajawali

Folklore from South Sulawesi

Once upon a time in a land in South Sulawesi, there lived a king who had seven daughters. According to tradition, if a king had more than six daughters, he had to sacrifice one to a ferocious eagle known as the Rajawali. To avoid misfortune, the king had to surrender one of his daughters.

However, the king deeply loved all his daughters and couldn’t bear to lose any of them. Desperate to find a solution to protect his daughters, the king suffered sleepless nights and didn't eat well, worrying about their fate.

One day, a brilliant idea struck the king. 

"I must organize a competition to safeguard my daughters. Maybe someone among my people possesses the strength and power to conquer the eagle," he thought. 

He shared this idea with his council, and they all agreed it was the best way to protect the princesses.

The king announced to his people about the upcoming competition to defeat the ferocious eagle. 

“In a week, the eagle will arrive in our city. Before that, you can all train and prepare yourselves,” he declared.

The town folks diligently trained, aspiring to become the princess's suitor or, for the females, to join the royal family. Meanwhile, the royal guards built a special pavilion to lure the eagle.

A week passed, and the dreaded day arrived. The king selected one of his daughters as the bait, escorted by the royal family and guards, to the pavilion. The entire town was anxious, fearing for the princess, as she might become the eagle's prey if nobody could defeat it.

"Forgive me, my child. I am bound by our traditions," said the worried king to his daughter, trying to console her.

Simultaneously, a young man passing by saw the distressed princess sitting alone in the pavilion. 

He approached her and asked, "Why are you sitting here alone? You seem troubled."

"I'm waiting for my fate," the princess replied softly, her face filled with resignation.

The young man listened intently as the princess explained the situation. He offered to stay with her, but she hesitated, fearing for his safety.

"Don't worry, I’ll protect you," he assured her.

As they waited, the young man fell asleep due to fatigue, unaware of the impending danger. Suddenly, the eagle swooped in, creating chaos. Startled, the princess woke the young man just in time.

"Get up! The eagle is here!" she exclaimed.

He awoke and quickly took out his enchanted rope and dagger. With the princess hiding behind him, he faced the charging eagle. The young man commanded his magical rope to entangle the eagle, causing it great distress. The eagle struggled to break free but failed.

Sensing danger, the young man instructed his dagger to attack the eagle, ultimately defeating it. The relieved princess, having witnessed the young man’s bravery, felt an unexplainable connection to him.

The townsfolk, previously ready to attack, emerged after learning the eagle had been subdued. They rushed to claim the eagle’s parts to gain recognition as the hero who saved the princess. However, the young man bid farewell to the princess and continued on his journey.

Later, during a celebration, the princess spotted the young man among the competitors in a sports competition. He showcased incredible skills and wore her scarf, which she had given him.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, she recognized him as the true hero. The king, realizing the deception of the townspeople, promptly married his daughter to the brave young man, and they lived happily ever after.

Moral Message: The Significance of Genuine Courage

This story conveys a moral lesson on courage, loyalty, and the significance of conquering fear. It emphasizes that genuine courage doesn't always manifest in physical prowess but resides in the bravery of one's heart and the commitment to safeguard others. True heroes are those who genuinely care and fearlessly confront adversity, often without seeking recognition.

The moral essence underscores the pivotal role of genuine courage. While a falsehood might briefly portray someone as a hero, the story reiterates the paramount importance of honesty and genuine valor. Through the honest and courageous actions of the protagonist, we grasp that authentic bravery not only involves facing fear but also upholding honesty in all deeds.

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