
The Mentor Cat

Cat's Intelligence and Lessons of Wisdom

Edisi Indonesia: Kucing Sang Guru

A Fable from Lampung

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Lampung, animals possessed the gift of speech and reason, resembling humans in their interactions. Among them, the cat was revered as a mentor to other creatures due to its wit, wisdom, and fairness.

The cat had three pupils: the mighty tiger, the regal lion, and the loyal dog. Among these fierce beasts, the tiger stood out as the most intelligent. Eager for knowledge, the tiger was always inquisitive, probing beyond the realms of lessons and seeking wisdom in every corner.

One fateful day, the tiger approached the cat, requesting lessons in tree climbing. However, the cat, knowing it had to be wiser than the tiger, was reluctant to teach this skill. To deflect the tiger's persistence, the cat diverted its attention by suggesting a playful excursion. But the tiger was relentless, persistently urging the cat to instruct it in the art of climbing trees.

"Why do you seek to learn this?" inquired the cat. "Will it be used for good or ill?"

"For anything!" replied the tiger.

"Knowledge must serve a noble purpose," the cat remarked firmly.

"Will you teach me or not?" the tiger challenged threateningly. The cat, feeling cornered by the tiger's insistence, knew it was no match for the mighty beast.

"I will not teach you," declared the cat.

Enraged, the tiger lunged at the fleeing cat. As they neared a towering tree, the cat swiftly scaled its height. The tiger, mesmerized by the cat's agility, watched in awe. The very skill the tiger desired was now on full display.

Filled with vengeance, the tiger swore an oath. If it couldn't kill the cat, it would consume its waste. Hearing this vow, the cat grew cautious. To this day, out of fear, whenever a cat relieves itself, it diligently covers its waste, ensuring it remains hidden from the tiger's sight.

And thus, the wisdom of the cat prevailed, teaching the importance of caution in dealing with those who seek to harm, even among the closest of acquaintances.

Wisdom in Action: Employing Knowledge for Good

The tale conveys a moral lesson on the prudent use of knowledge. The cat's refusal to teach the tiger illustrates the importance of considering how knowledge might be used. It emphasizes utilizing skills and understanding for positive, beneficial purposes, avoiding harm to others.

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