
Sendang Sani

A Folktale from Central Java

Sendang Sani >> Edisi Indonesia

Once upon a time, Sunan Kalijaga planned to visit Sunan Muria in Pati, Central Java. He asked his friend, Ki Rangga, to go with him. Several servants also joined them to carry their luggage. And they began walking to Sunan Muria’s house. Of course there were no cars or trains, so they walked. Several hours later, Ki Rangga felt tired.

“Are we still far from Sunan Muria’s house?” asked Ki Rangga to Sunan Kalijaga.

Sunan Kalijaga answered, “We are already in Kadipaten Pati Pesantenan. We will arrive at Sunan Muria’s house shortly. Please be patient.”

Ki Rangga was embarrassed to be walking together with Sunan Kalijaga because Sunan Kalijaga did not look tired while Ki Rangga was very tired and thirsty. Finally Sunan Kalijaga asked Ki Rangga to take a rest under a big tree. It was time for Zuhur prayer. But there was no water around for them to clean up or wudu. Ki Rangga was confused.

He said, “I don’t see any water nearby. Where should we take wudu?”

Sunan Kalijaga only smiled and said, “We should pray to Allah SWT for water. Now you must guard this big tree, Ki Rangga. It might bring water to us. But remember, everything happens because of Allah SWT. Don't act alone. You must inform me when the water comes out. I will be behind that hill.”

Ki Rangga promised Sunan Kalijaga to inform him when water came out. So Sunan Kalijaga went behind the hill and Ki Rangga with his servants sat under the big tree. They quickly fell asleep.

Suddenly water came out of the big tree. Ki Rangga and his servants became wet. They woke up. They were very happy to see the water because they were very tired and thirsty. They drank and played in the water. Ki Rangga forgot Sunan Kalijaga’s message to inform Sunan Kalijaga when water came out.

Behind the hill, Sunan Kalijaga was worried. So he went to the big tree. He was surprised to see Ki Rangga and his servants were playing in the water.

“You forgot my message to inform me when the water comes out. Instead, you are playing in the water like a turtle,” said Sunan Kalijaga, softly.

A miracle happened. Ki Rangga and his servants turned into turtles. Ki Rangga was sad. He changed into turtles because he did not keep his promise. The water formed a pond. It is now called Sendang Sani, in Pati, Central Java. Many people still visit Sendang Sani now. ***

Moral Lessons

The story of Sunan Kalijaga, Ki Rangga, and the miraculous appearance of water under the big tree in Pati, Central Java, carries several moral lessons:

1. Faith and Patience: The story emphasizes the importance of having faith in divine intervention and being patient. Despite being tired and thirsty, Ki Rangga and the servants needed to trust in Sunan Kalijaga's words and wait for the water to come as a blessing from Allah SWT.

2. Obedience and Responsibility: Ki Rangga was given a specific task by Sunan Kalijaga—to inform him when the water appeared. This highlights the importance of obedience to instructions and responsibility. Ki Rangga’s failure to fulfill his promise leads to a negative consequence, teaching the lesson that neglecting responsibilities can have dire results.

3. Self-Control: The story also underlines the value of self-control. Ki Rangga and the servants let their immediate joy and relief at finding water overtake their duty to inform Sunan Kalijaga, demonstrating how succumbing to immediate desires can lead to forgetting important duties.

4. Consequences of Actions: Ki Rangga's transformation into a turtle serves as a metaphor for the consequences of failing to uphold promises and responsibilities. It symbolizes the idea that actions have repercussions, and neglecting one’s duties can lead to unexpected and unfavorable outcomes.

5. Miracles and Humility: The story reinforces the belief in miracles and the humility needed to accept that such wonders are acts of divine will. Sunan Kalijaga's humility and faith contrast with Ki Rangga's lack of it, showcasing the spiritual principle that humility and faith bring blessings, while arrogance and neglect lead to misfortune.

Overall, the story imparts a rich blend of spiritual and moral teachings, emphasizing faith, responsibility, obedience, self-control, and the consequences of one’s actions.

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