

Fauna of Indonesia

Indonesia's Wildlife Wonders: Exploring the Archipelago's Biodiversity through Fables and Legends

Edisi Indonesia: Keajaiban Satwa Liar Indonesia

Indonesia, recognized as one of the world's most biodiverse nations, showcases an incredible array of plant and animal life owing to its expansive territory, unique geographical features, and tropical islands.

The Wallace Line, named after the esteemed naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, plays a vital role in shaping Indonesia's diverse fauna by demarcating the Asian and Australasian zoogeographical zones. The Asian zone, situated to the west of this imaginary line, is influenced by fauna from the Asian continent, while the Australasian zone to the east is shaped by the fauna from Australia and neighboring regions.

Indonesia's varied ecosystems, ranging from coastal regions like beaches, dunes, and estuaries to wetlands such as mangroves, as well as marine environments including coral reefs, significantly contribute to the nation's rich fauna. Each ecosystem provides a unique habitat, fostering a diverse array of plants and animals.

Amidst this remarkable biodiversity, Indonesia is home to iconic species like orangutans, tigers, elephants, Komodo dragons, diverse bird species, marine mammals including dolphins and whales, and an abundance of marine life thriving in coral reefs.

Preserving Indonesia's diverse fauna and their habitats is imperative, and various initiatives, including the establishment of national parks, wildlife reserves, and protected areas, underscore the commitment to safeguarding these precious ecosystems and their inhabitants. This narrative weaves together Indonesia's fauna with its cultural and ecological heritage, highlighting the interconnected richness of its natural world.

Ekidna (echidna)

Embark on a journey into the captivating realm of the echidna, affectionately known as the spiky wonder or the "nokdiak." This unique creature, standing as the sole survivor of the Monotremata order alongside the platypus, adds a distinctive flair to the biodiversity of Papua and Australia. Envision the echidna as a rebel icon in the animal kingdom, boasting spiky quills and an unconventional charm.

Belonging to the Tachyglossidae family, the echidna stands out as a living testament to the richness of our natural world. Its exceptional features and whimsical behaviors make it a true standout among monotremes. Similar to its platypus relative, the echidna, as a monotreme, challenges conventional norms as an egg-laying mammal.

Derived from a monster in ancient Greek mythology, the echidna introduces an air of mystery to the landscapes it inhabits. Picture encountering this spiky marvel as it skillfully forages for insects using its lengthy tongue, displaying its unique adaptation in the dance of survival. The echidna's quills, resembling the distinctive punk hairstyle of a rockstar, narrate tales of endurance and fortitude.

For those with an inquisitive spirit and an interest in wildlife, the echidna beckons you to delve into its domain, unraveling the intricacies of its existence and discovering the untold narratives of this extraordinary monotreme. Prepare to immerse yourself in the world of the echidna, where spiky elegance converges with the splendid, and each encounter transforms into a thrilling adventure in the wild.

Read Also:  Dance of Colors: Ekidna's Adventure, the Pinocchio Hedgehog in the Papua Forest


Kuau raja (the Great Argus)

Step into the enchanting realm of the Great Argus, scientifically known as Argusianus argus, a majestic bird nestled within the Phasianidae family. Cloaked in mesmerizing reddish-brown plumage and adorned with a blue-hued head, the Great Argus captivates with its splendor. The adult male, a giant in its own right, reaches an impressive length of up to 200 cm, boasting a striking crown and black-tipped plumes. Witness the enchantment as the male's wings and tail extend into a captivating display, adorned with conspicuous eye-shaped spots reminiscent of insect ocelli.

But this tale extends beyond mere physical beauty, delving into the legendary and mythical tales surrounding the Great Argus, like the folklore and origin stories that surround this extraordinary bird. In the rich tapestry of folk tales involving the Argus, mysteries and wonders await, inviting us to plunge into its mystical realm. How did the majestic head plumes of this bird come to symbolize grace and grandeur? What secrets lie behind the stunning ocelli that bedeck its wings and tail?

Embark on this adventure, explore the legends, and unravel the mysteries behind the Great Argus. In the folklore, find the hidden tales that echo through time, painting a vivid picture of a world brimming with magic and unforgettable beauty. Are you ready to step into a realm where wonders and enchantment await at every turn?

Read Also: The Legend of Ruai Bird (The Great Argus)

Kuau raja

Kancil (Mouse-deer)

Explore the enchanting world of Tragulidae, a captivating family within the order of even-toed ungulates. Familiarly known as "kancil" or mouse-deer in English, Tragulidae represents a fascinating blend of charm and grace in the animal kingdom. This family of ruminating mammals currently encompasses three genera and eight species, gracefully navigating the landscapes of Southeast Asia and Africa.

Picture these delicate creatures, the mouse-deer, gracefully roaming through the lush forests of Asia and Africa. Despite their diminutive size, these enchanting beings carry an air of elegance and mystery. Tragulidae captivates the imagination with its unique blend of features, making it a standout among even-toed ungulates.

For the young explorers eager to dive into the wonders of the animal kingdom, Tragulidae offers a doorway to a realm where small stature belies immense beauty. These creatures, often referred to as "kancil" in Indonesia, have even found their place in the captivating fables of Indonesian folklore. Imagine the tales of the clever and resourceful mouse-deer, weaving through the narratives of fables, leaving a lasting impression on generations.

Embark on a captivating journey into the enchanting world of Tragulidae, where the beguiling tales of the mouse-deer, or kancil, unfold against the rich tapestry of Indonesia's landscapes. Delve into the dense jungles of this archipelagic wonder, where the tiny but mighty kancil weaves its magical stories. From the emerald canopies of Java to the mist-covered highlands of Sumatra, the allure of the kancil sparks curiosity and unveils the wonders of the animal kingdom. These tales of Tragulidae not only bring a touch of wonder but also serve as a testament to the intricate and harmonious relationship between these enchanting creatures and the diverse ecosystems they call home.

Also Read: Mouse Deer and Mr. Farmer


Merak Hijau (Green Peafowl)

Let's embark on a fascinating journey into the realm of the Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus), one of the three species of peafowls. Much like their avian counterparts within the Phasianidae family, the Green Peafowl graces us with its stunning plumage. The feathers shimmer with a golden-green hue, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The adult male, a giant in its own right, boasts a majestic length of up to 300 cm, adorned with extraordinarily long tail coverts. Crowned by an upright crest atop its head, the male Green Peafowl exudes an air of regality. In contrast, the females, though smaller in size, carry their own understated charm with less glossy, greenish-gray feathers, devoid of the elaborate tail coverts.

Now, let's delve into the enchanting tales of the Green Peafowl within the rich folklore of Indonesia. Within the pages of Indonesian fables, these majestic birds often become characters in stories that captivate the imagination. Imagine a world where the vibrant plumes of the Green Peafowl come alive, weaving through narratives that carry timeless lessons and magical adventures. Are you ready to explore the captivating tales of the Green Peafowl in the tapestry of Indonesian fables?

Read Also: The Broken-hearted Peacock

Merak Hijau

Komodo dragons

Step into the thrilling world of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), the awe-inspiring giants also known as Komodo or biawak komodo, captivating the exotic landscapes of Indonesian islands like Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami. The locals on the island of Komodo affectionately call them "ora," adding a touch of mystique to these magnificent creatures. Donning the title of "buaya darat" or land crocodile in Indonesian, Komodo dragons may not be crocodiles, but their sheer dominance and prowess make them the unrivaled kings of their domain.

Picture this: the Komodo dragon, the heavyweight champion of the Varanidae family and the largest lizard on the planet, boasting an impressive length of 2-3 meters and a maximum weight of 100 kg. These larger-than-life reptiles reign supreme as the apex predators in their habitat. Venture into their territory, and you'll find that no other large carnivorous creatures share the spotlight with these monitor lizards.

For the young and curious minds, the Komodo dragon beckons with tales of ancient lands and untamed wilderness. Imagine exploring the Indonesian archipelago, encountering these living legends that have ruled their domain for centuries. Get ready to be captivated by the majestic Komodo dragons, where every encounter becomes a thrilling chapter in the saga of the world's largest lizards.

Also read: The Legend of Komodo Dragon (Ora and Gerong)

Komodo Dragon


Dive into the enchanting world of Cendrawasih, or "the Bird of Paradise," a dazzling member of the Paradisaeidae family in the Passeriformes order. These mesmerizing birds are native to the vibrant landscapes of Indonesia, with their captivating presence most prominent in the eastern part of Papua, Papua New Guinea, the Torres Strait islands, and eastern Australia. The allure of the Bird of Paradise lies not only in its geographical habitat but also in the intricate details of its plumage, particularly the elongated and elaborate feathers that adorn the beak, wings, or head of the males in the family.

Imagine encountering the King Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus regius), a petite marvel weighing merely 50 grams and measuring 15 cm, showcasing a ballet of colors and feathers that defy imagination. Picture the majestic Black-billed Sicklebill (Drepanornis albertisi), a creature of grandeur with a wingspan reaching 110 cm, soaring through the lush canopies. Visualize the regal Curl-crested Manucode (Manucodia comrii), a slightly heavier giant at 430 grams, mesmerizing onlookers with its distinctive plumes.

For the young explorers seeking a glimpse into the wonders of the avian kingdom, Cendrawasih beckons with tales of vibrant landscapes and flamboyant feathered displays. Get ready to be spellbound by the diversity of these Birds of Paradise, where every species becomes a living work of art, inviting you to unravel the secrets of their dazzling existence. Join the journey into the wild and colorful world of Cendrawasih, where beauty takes flight in the most extraordinary ways.

Read also: The Unhappy Cendrawasih


Malayan tapir

The Malayan tapir, a majestic creature with its sleek, light-colored "saddle" and black fur, stands out as the largest among its tapir counterparts. Originating from the enchanting landscapes of the East Indies, this unique tapir species, Tapirus indicus, adds a touch of mystique to the vibrant wildlife of Sumatra. In local folklore, it goes by various names like tenuk, seladang, and kuda arau, echoing the rich cultural tapestry of the region. Recent archaeological discoveries suggest that these remarkable beings roamed the lush lands of Kalimantan over 1,500 years ago.

Imagine encountering this splendid creature amidst the dense foliage, its distinctive appearance serving as a natural camouflage. With a physique reaching lengths of 1.8 to 2.4 meters and a height of 90 to 107 cm, the Malayan tapir is a true marvel of nature. Picture the female tapir, slightly larger and more majestic than her male counterpart, exploring the lush landscapes with her keen senses.

Witness the tapir's playful gallop, propelled by its short, stout tail, and its long, flexible proboscis reaching out like a friendly trunk. The oval-shaped ears stand tall, catching every rustle, while the tips, adorned in white, add a touch of elegance. Despite its limited eyesight, the tapir's world comes alive through sharp hearing and an acute sense of smell.

As the tapir gracefully grazes on young leaves and fruits, its footprint tells tales of its passage – a distinctive pattern left behind in the soft earth. Picture the Malayan tapir navigating through dense vegetation with ease, a symbol of agility in the heart of Sumatra's enchanting wilderness.

For the young adventurers seeking a glimpse into the wonders of the animal kingdom, the Malayan tapir invites you to join its journey, discovering the magic and mystery that surround this remarkable creature from the East Indies.

Tapir Asia

Maleo senkawor

Embark on an adventure into the world of the Maleo Senkawor, also known as Maleo or locally referred to as Panua by the Gorontalo community. This intriguing bird, scientifically named Macrocephalon maleo, is a medium-sized charmer with a wingspan of approximately 55 cm, standing as the sole inhabitant of the unique genus Macrocephalon. What sets the Maleo apart is its extraordinary feature – the ability of its hatchlings to take flight right after hatching.

Imagine witnessing the marvel of nature as these charismatic birds, with their distinctive appearance and wings ready for flight, defy the norms of the avian world. The Maleo Senkawor invites the young and curious minds to explore the uniqueness of its species. Picture the enchanting scenes in Gorontalo, where locals fondly refer to it as Panua, adding a touch of cultural richness to the narrative.

For the young explorers seeking a connection with the extraordinary, the Maleo Senkawor unveils a world where fledgling birds take their first flight, an unparalleled feat in the avian kingdom. Get ready to be captivated by the charm and peculiarity of the Maleo, where every detail becomes a story waiting to be discovered. Join the journey into the fascinating realm of the Maleo Senkawor, where the magic of flight begins right from the moment of hatching.

Maleo senkawor


Explore the fascinating world of orangutans, the giant primates hailing from the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia. These incredible creatures, now residing primarily in parts of Kalimantan and Sumatra, once roamed across Southeast Asia and Southern China during the Pleistocene era. Join the journey into the wise tales of orangutans, discovering the virtues they teach about kindness in nature and the wisdom found in making thoughtful choices. Uncover the secrets of these majestic beings, not only as inhabitants of the lush rainforests but as storytellers conveying profound lessons about the goodness inherent in the natural world and the wisdom that guides our choices. The stories of orangutans beckon to the hearts of the young, weaving a narrative that connects them to the wonders of the wild.


Pesut Mahakam

Embark on an enthralling voyage into the domain of the Irrawaddy Dolphin, locally recognized as Pesut Mahakam, dwelling in the Mahakam River. These freshwater dolphins, commonly acknowledged as "river dolphins," find themselves in a precarious situation, nearing extinction. Explore the origins encapsulated in "The Legend of Pesut Mahakam," unraveling enigmas spanning from the luxuriant waters of the Mahakam River to their scientific identification as the Irrawaddy Dolphin by Western researchers. This absorbing narrative not only brings to light the distinctive existence of Pesut Mahakam but also arouses interest in the delicate equilibrium of their habitat and the imperative call for conservation endeavors. 

Despite their snouts mirroring those of beluga whales, their placement within the Delphinidae family underscores the captivating intricacies of their anatomy and genetics. Acknowledged for their tranquil and poised movements, in sharp contrast to their lively marine counterparts, Pesut Mahakam exudes a serene demeanor, adding an extra layer of fascination to their being. Join the odyssey into this aquatic legend, captivating the inquisitiveness of young minds with tales of survival, mystery, and the captivating waters of the Mahakam.

Pesut Mahakam

Bekantan (Proboscis Monkey)

Deep within the lush rainforests of Borneo, a peculiar creature swings gracefully through the towering trees, captivating the imagination of all who catch a glimpse. With its distinctive long nose and pot-bellied stature, the Proboscis Monkey, also known as the Bekantan, emerges as a fascinating figure in the realm of wildlife. Legend has it that these unique primates hold ancient secrets and tales whispered among the leaves, weaving a tapestry of folklore that has intrigued generations. Join us as we embark on a journey into the heart of the jungle to unravel the enchanting fables surrounding the Bekantan, uncovering the mysteries and magic that lie within.


Badak Jawa (Javan Rhino)

Amidst the dense jungles and rugged terrains of Java, a majestic beast roams with an air of mystery and awe. The Javan Rhino, a symbol of resilience and rarity, commands attention with its solitary presence and ancient lineage. Revered as one of the world's most elusive creatures, the Javan Rhino holds a place of reverence in the folklore of the land, its stoic demeanor and formidable horn inspiring tales of courage and conservation. Journey with us into the heart of Java's wilderness, where whispers of legends and whispers of the past intertwine, inviting us to discover the untold stories and untamed beauty of the Javan Rhino.

Harimau Jawa (Javan Tiger)

Once upon a time, the dense forests of Java were home to a magnificent creature known as the Javan Tiger. With its regal presence and awe-inspiring beauty, this majestic predator roamed the wilderness with an air of mystery and reverence. While the Javan Tiger may no longer tread upon the forest floor, its memory lives on in the whispers of the wind and the rustle of the leaves. Let us journey back in time to pay tribute to this noble beast, reflecting on its significance in the natural world and the lessons it imparts on the importance of conservation and preservation. Though the Javan Tiger may be gone, its spirit continues to inspire us to protect and cherish the precious biodiversity that remains.

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