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King Tilahunga

King Tilahunga and the Value of Humility and Community

Raja Tilahunga dan Nama-nama Tempat | Edisi Indonesia

Indonesian Folklore Webpage

Folklore from Gorontalo

ONCE upon a time, there was a kingdom named Bolango. The kingdom was led by King Tilahunga. He was a wise king. He was very close to his people. They loved their king. They were grateful to have King Tilahunga as their king.

King Titahunga regularly visited his kingdom. He did that to monitor what happened with his people. When he went to meet his people, the king always stayed in their houses. He did not want to be treated differently. He was such a humble king.

One day, the king wanted to monitor his kingdom. He asked his soldiers to prepare well.

"Don't forget to bring enough food. Remember, I don't want to burden people preparing the food for us. We have to bring our own food!" ordered the King.

"Yes, Sir!" replied the soldiers.

"Besides food, bring some items of gardening equipment. Bring mattocks, crowbars, and axes," ordered the king.

He continued, "We will help the farmers."

Then the King and the soldiers started their trip. It was quite a tiring trip since they were having dry season. The king often motivated the soldiers not to feel weak. Indeed the trip was not easy for them. They had to go through jungles and even crossed a river.

It was very hot and when they arrived at a hilly area, they rested for a while. Some soldiers were busy preparing a good place for the king to rest. However the king refused to be treated differently.

"No, I don't want a special place to rest. Let's share a place together," said the king.

The soldiers were so touched to see their humble king. They then named the hill as Tapa Hill. Tapa is taken from the word tapatopo which means temporarily leave the position for a while. When they rested, the king did not want to be treated as a king. So he left his position as a king for a moment.

The king and the soldiers continued their trip. Later it was time for them to rest again. They started to eat the food. However there was one soldier named Denggi who ate too much. Denggi even ate other soldiers' food. Of course that made them angry at Denggi.

The king heard the problem. He advised Denggi not to do it. Denggi finally understood his mistake. He apologized to the king and other soldiers. Since then the place was named as Tuladenggi. Tula means greedy, so Tuladenggi is the greedy Denggi.

They continued their journey. Later they arrived at Limboto Lake. The view was so beautiful. Trees grew well. The king loved the place instantly. He knew the land was fertile. 

"Soldiers, we will stop here. Set the tents now because we will stay here bit longer. Now, prepare the gardening equipment," ordered the king. 

Some soldiers set the tent and others prepared the equipment. However they were surprised when they saw their equipment were broken. They immediately reported to the king. 

"What? How could that happen?" the king was surprised. 

The soldiers were also surprised. They brought the best equipment when they left the palace. The king ordered the soldiers to fix the broken equipment. He then named the place as Panthungo. It means the handle of gardening tool. 

And that's how those places got their names. ***

Moral Message:

King Tilahunga's story teaches us the importance of humility, empathy, and community spirit. Despite his royal status, he chose to live simply among his people, sharing their hardships and helping them directly. His actions demonstrate that true leadership involves understanding and supporting those we lead. The tale also highlights the consequences of greed, as seen with Denggi, and the importance of taking responsibility for our actions. Additionally, it shows that challenges can be overcome through cooperation and resourcefulness.

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