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Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan

Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan: A Tale of Love, Trust, and Consequence

Jaka Tarub dan Nawang Wulan | Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesian Folklore Home Page

Folklore from East Java

Jaka Tarub was a handsome young man. He was very popular in the village. Many young girls fell in love with him. However, Jaka Tarub thought that they were not beautiful enough to be his wife. That's why he was still single. He wanted to have a very beautiful wife.

As always, Jaka Tarub went to the forest to collect some woods. Suddenly, he heard some noise from the waterfall. He was curious. The noise was from the girls taking a bath in the waterfall.

Slowly, Jaka Tarub walked to the area. When he arrived there, he saw seven beautiful girls taking a bath. He was really amazed by their beauty. After they were finished, the girls slowly took their shawls. Amazingly, after they wore the shawls, they flew into the sky. They were not humans. They were fairies!

After that, Jaka Tarub went home. He was very restless. He was still thinking about those seven beautiful girls.

On the next day, Jaka Tarub then decided to go back to the waterfall. When the fairies were taking a bath, he stole one of their shawls. And that made one fairy unable to fly back to the sky. She cried. Jaka Tarub then approached her.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I lost my shawl. I cannot go back home. All my sisters have left me. My name is Nawang Wulan. I will give you anything if you can find my shawl."

"I'll help you. But if we can't find it, you can stay at my house. You can be my wife," said Jaka Tarub.

Then Jaka Tarub pretended to look for the shawl. And of course, they could not find it. After that, they went to Jaka Tarub's home. Later, they got married.

They had a baby girl. They had a happy life. They always had enough rice to eat. They did not have to work hard like their neighbors. It was because Nawang Wulan used her magic in cooking.

One day, Jaka Tarub asked her about the magic. Nawang Wulan did not tell him the secret and asked him not to open the cooking pan's lid. She said that if Jaka Tarub opened the lid, they had to work hard to get a lot of rice to cook.

One day, Jaka Tarub was really curious. He then opened the cooking pan's lid. He saw there was only a small portion of rice to cook. When she got home, Nawang Wulan knew that Jaka Tarub had opened the lid. She was angry because she had already lost the magic of cooking. Now she had to take a big portion of rice to cook.

Slowly, there was not enough rice in the silo. And when Nawang Wulan wanted to take the last portion of rice, she found her shawl. Jaka Tarub hid the shawl in the silo. Nawang Wulan was really happy.

She then said, "I will go home now. Take care of our daughter. When there is a full moon, take her out of the house and I'll come together."

Nawang Wulan then flew into the sky. Jaka Tarub was really sad. And to keep the promise, Jaka Tarub always went out of the house with his daughter when there was a full moon. But Nawang Wulan never came back. ***

Moral Message:

This story teaches us about the importance of honesty and loyalty. Jaka Tarub, despite having the chance to live happily with Nawang Wulan, did not appreciate the secrets and trust that were given to him. His excessive curiosity led to a significant loss. Additionally, the story reminds us that every action has consequences, and we should value those we love and uphold the trust that has been bestowed upon us.

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