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The Harmony of Precious Stones

The Harmony of Precious Stones

Edisi Indonesia: Keharmonisan Batu-Batu Berharga

Creative Fable of the Archipelago

In a land abundant with natural beauty and cultural diversity, there existed three precious stones carefully guarded by the locals. They were Zambrud, a green emerald symbolizing tranquility and harmony; Batutulis, a deep blue stone representing courage and justice; and Batuemas, a sparkling golden gem reflecting wisdom and abundance.

Despite their differences in color, shape, and characteristics, the three stones peacefully coexisted among the people. They served as guardians and exemplars, teaching everyone the importance of embracing differences and living together in harmony. The serenity of Zambrud, the courage of Batutulis, and the wisdom of Batuemas formed the foundation of unity and diversity in the land.

One day, visitors from another land arrived, eager to learn from the local wisdom. They were captivated by the beauty and diversity of the precious stones found in the land. From the calming Zambrud to the spirited Batutulis, each stone represented different values yet complemented one another.

Through the tales of these stones, the people learned that diversity is a treasure to be cherished and celebrated. They realized that "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," meaning "unity in diversity," was not just a slogan but a call to live together in harmony and unity, inspired by the abundant natural and cultural richness of Indonesia.

As a fable, this story teaches moral values ​​about the importance of tolerance, diversity, and unity in society. It also reminds us that diversity is a treasure that must be protected and fought for the creation of a better world.

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