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The Story of Pari Temple

The Legend of Kiai Gede Penanggungan: The Transformation of Jaka Pandelegan and Dewi Walangangin into Pari Temples

Folklore from East Java

A long time ago, in the mystical region of Penanggungan Mountain, an old man named Kiai Gede Penanggungan lived a peaceful life. Renowned for his deep wisdom and supernatural powers, Kiai Gede was a respected figure in his community. He had a beautiful daughter, Dewi Walangangin, whose beauty was unmatched. Her grace and charm captured the hearts of many, yet she remained unmarried, which caused great concern for her father. He was deeply troubled by this, for he wanted the best for his daughter.

Desperate for a solution, Kiai Gede Penanggungan spent many days and nights in prayer, asking the gods to grant his daughter a worthy husband. After many years of devotion, his prayers were finally answered. One day, a handsome young man named Jaka Pandelegan appeared at his door, seeking to meet him.

“My name is Jaka Pandelegan,” the young man said with respect. “I have heard of your wisdom, Kiai. I come here to ask for your guidance. I want to be your student and learn all that you know.”

Kiai Gede, wise as ever, saw potential in Jaka, but he had a condition. “I will accept you as my student,” he said, “but there is one condition. You must marry my daughter, Dewi Walangangin. Do you agree?”

Jaka, though surprised by the sudden offer, took a deep breath and nodded with confidence. “Yes, I agree. I will marry your daughter.”

With the promise made, the two were soon married, and Dewi Walangangin and Jaka Pandelegan began their life together. The couple lived happily, and Jaka, in particular, flourished. He learned many things from Kiai Gede Penanggungan, from ancient wisdom to spiritual practices, and grew even stronger in both mind and body.

After several years of living under the guidance of Kiai Gede, it was time for the couple to embark on their own journey. They were ready to build their own life together, away from the shadow of the mountain. Before they left, Kiai Gede Penanggungan gave Jaka a special gift: a pari seed.

"Take this seed with you," Kiai Gede instructed. “Plant it wherever you settle. Whenever someone asks you for help, give them some seeds of this pari. But remember, never become arrogant or selfish with your wealth.”

The couple, grateful for the old man's wisdom, left the mountain and settled in a new area, where they planted the pari seeds. Soon, the land flourished, and a vast field of rice grew, bringing prosperity to the young couple. They became incredibly wealthy, and the once-empty fields were now full of rice.

However, as their wealth grew, so did their pride. The couple became increasingly distant from their neighbors, refusing to share the precious pari seeds. One day, poor neighbors came to ask for help, hoping for a handful of rice seeds to plant in their own fields. But Jaka, filled with arrogance, turned them away harshly.

"No way!" he said. "If you want to eat, work as hard as I did! I did not get here by asking for help. You must do the same!"

Word of Jaka’s unkindness spread, and his actions reached the ears of Kiai Gede Penanggungan, who could not ignore the behavior of his former student. The old man, deeply disappointed, decided to visit Jaka and Dewi to remind them of the promise they had made to him.

Kiai Gede arrived at the fields, calling out to the couple.

“Jaka Pandelegan, come here! I want to speak to you!” But Jaka, still caught in his pride, ignored the old man’s call and continued working.

“My daughter, Dewi Walangangin, it is I, your father!” Kiai Gede called again, but Dewi too ignored him, as if the old man was no longer part of their lives.

Seeing that they refused to listen, Kiai Gede Penanggungan’s anger grew. With a heavy heart, he uttered a powerful curse: “You two are like temples, incapable of hearing the truth! Now, you will become what you truly are—silent, unyielding, and forever unlistening.”

The moment he finished speaking, a miraculous transformation occurred. Slowly, both Jaka and Dewi turned into stone temples, standing tall and immovable in the middle of the vast rice fields. The once-proud couple had become symbols of stubbornness and pride, forever frozen in time. The villagers, recognizing the temples and the surrounding rice fields, named the place Pari Temple as a reminder of the story—a lesson in humility, generosity, and the dangers of arrogance.

And so, the story of Kiai Gede Penanggungan and his daughter, Dewi Walangangin, and her husband, Jaka Pandelegan, remains a timeless tale from East Java, teaching generations about the values of kindness, humility, and the importance of keeping promises.

Moral Message:

The moral of this story is that humility and kindness should accompany success and wealth. It reminds us to never forget our promises and to help others in need, rather than becoming arrogant when we achieve prosperity. Disrespect and neglecting the values that once guided us can lead to negative consequences.

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