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The Mysterious Old Woman Named Luhu

Legends of Ta Ina Luhu: The Tale of the Lost Princess and the Guardian Spirit of Maluku

Once upon a time, in the enchanting islands of Maluku, there was a prosperous kingdom ruled by a wise and benevolent king. He had a beautiful daughter named Ta Ina Luhu, whose laughter could light up the darkest corners of the palace. The king and queen adored her, and the people thrived in their fertile lands. They lived harmoniously, with no one in need, and celebrations filled the air with joy. But darkness loomed as foreign invaders arrived, bringing turmoil to their peaceful land.

When the king realized the Dutch were seizing their land, he bravely sent his soldiers to protect their home. However, the might of the invaders was overwhelming. Heartbroken by the loss of her father, Ta Ina Luhu felt an even heavier sorrow as the Dutch commander demanded her hand in marriage. Defiant, she refused, vowing to honor her father's memory.

Furious, the commander threatened her mother, compelling Ta Ina Luhu to comply. As she married the commander, her heart felt like a heavy stone. Soon, grief consumed her as her mother fell ill and passed away, leaving her utterly alone.

In her despair, Ta Ina Luhu fled to the neighboring kingdom of Soya, seeking solace. Welcomed by the compassionate king and queen, she initially found comfort in their kindness. However, the princess soon discovered she was to become a mother, a revelation that filled her with mixed emotions. She cherished the thought of her child but worried about burdening her newfound friends with her troubles.

Deciding to protect the royal family from any potential distress, she quietly left, writing a heartfelt note to explain her departure. She ventured into the forest, her heart heavy with sorrow and anger for the upheaval caused by the invaders.

Meanwhile, the king of Soya discovered her note, filled with worry and compassion. “We must find her!” he commanded his soldiers. “Princess Ta Ina Luhu needs us now more than ever!”

After months of searching, they finally located her deep within the forest, looking worn and weary, her beauty dimmed by suffering.

“Princess, come with us,” one soldier pleaded, concern etched on his face. “King Soya is worried about you.”

“No… I don’t want to go back,” Ta Ina Luhu replied, her voice a fragile whisper. “I wish to stay here… away from everything.”

Before they could comprehend her sorrow, she suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving the soldiers bewildered and desperate. They searched every inch of the forest, calling her name, but she had become one with the shadows.

The Legend of Luhu

News of the missing princess spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom, and whispers filled the air as people spoke in hushed tones. “They say she has transformed into a spirit!” one villager murmured.

“A spirit who watches over the children,” another voice chimed in, a mix of reverence and fear evident. “They say she appears as an old woman, warning us of the Dutch!”

Thus, the legend of the mysterious old woman Luhu was born. Locals believed she roamed the land, manifesting during unusual weather—when rain fell while the sun shone brightly. Parents would caution their children, saying, “Stay inside! It’s not safe when Luhu walks among us!”


Even today, the people of Maluku honor her spirit, believing that Ta Ina Luhu watches over them. They say she protects the innocent and guards against those who threaten her beloved homeland. And when the sun shines through the rain, casting a shimmering light across the land, some claim to feel her presence, a gentle reminder of the enduring power of love and loss.

Moral Message
The story teaches us about the power of love, sacrifice, and the importance of honoring traditions and remembering our loved ones. Despite challenges and sorrow, there is always hope and lessons to be learned from our experiences. We are encouraged to protect the innocent and continue to fight for justice, even in difficult circumstances.


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