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Ballah Stone

>> Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Ballah Stone, Betangkup Stone

Folklore from West Kalimantan

Sambas Sambas Regency in West Kalimantan Province

Once upon a time, a widow and her two children resided in Sambas Regency. Mak Risah is the name of the widow. He shared a home with his two children, Long Ijun, her oldest daughter, and Su Pisok, his youngest son. They live in poor conditions because their lives depend on their father, who is no longer there. In order to support her three children, her mother did not give up working hard.

Mak Risah's everyday tasks included gathering firewood in the forest. She offered assistance to neighbors who required it.

His mother said goodbye one day to go fishing, usually for mudskipper, which her children adore. It turned out to be a difficult effort, but she found mudskipper and asked the eldest son to cook while his mother went to bathe in the river. But before that, the mother ordered that the mudskipper eggs be left for her.

But it turns out that Su Pisok ate so much that he forgot to leave the spare egg. When the mother returned home, she was upset and disappointed to see this incident, and she ran to the riverbank.

Long Ijun realized that his mother still had not returned, even though it was already dark. His little brother was constantly crying because he was hungry again. Long Ijun and her brother followed their mother.

At the river's edge, Mak Risah then climbed on top of a big rock that gaped wide like a mouth. When she reached the mouth of Batu Ballah, she begged Batu Ballah to grasp her; then she was stuck in the rock.

Seeing this, Long Ijun ventured to save his mother, but it was too late. Mak Risah couldn't hear anymore because her whole body was already inside the Ballah stone, where only part of her hair was left. Until now, this story has been passed down from generation to generation.

According to wise people, his mother had been swallowed up by a large, haunted rock by the river. It is said that the stone is called Batu Ballah or Ballah Stone.

Did you know?

Fish called mudskippers are amphibians. They are members of the Oxudercinae subfamily and the family Oxudercidae. The number of mudskipper species is 32. These fish are distinguished by their peculiar appearance. They have the capacity for both aquatic and terrestrial survival as well.


references: wikipedia,,

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