La Ndoke-Ndoke and La Kolopua: A Valuable Lesson from the Banana Tree
Edisi Indonesia: La Ndoke-Ndoke dan La Kolopua
In a lush, green forest, two best friends named La Ndoke-Ndoke and La Kolopua lived together. They were inseparable—wherever one went, the other always followed. If La Kolopua took a step forward, La Ndoke-Ndoke was right behind him, and vice versa.
One day, while walking through a garden, they saw a farmer cutting down a banana tree that had already borne fruit. The farmer carried away a large bunch of bananas, leaving behind the fallen trunk.
“La Kolopua, what if we plant banana trees too?” La Ndoke-Ndoke said excitedly.
“Great idea! If we plant them, we can harvest lots of bananas just like that farmer!” La Kolopua replied.
They quickly took the cut-down banana trunk and planted it in their garden. Every day, they watered it with high hopes.
However, after a few days, the banana leaves started to wither and turn yellow. Eventually, the entire trunk died.
“Oh no! Why did this happen?” La Ndoke-Ndoke groaned.
La Kolopua scratched his head. “Maybe we planted it the wrong way?”
They carefully observed other gardens and noticed that people didn’t plant cut-down trunks—they used young banana shoots instead.
“Oh! We should have planted banana shoots, not an old, dead trunk!” La Ndoke-Ndoke exclaimed, realizing their mistake.
So, they went to find banana shoots and planted them properly. This time, they took even better care of their plants. Every day, they watered them and ensured the soil was rich and healthy.
Month after month passed, and their banana trees grew tall and finally bore fruit.
“Hooray! We did it!” La Kolopua cheered excitedly.
Now it was time to harvest the bananas. But there was one problem—the bananas were hanging high up in the tree.
“You should climb up, La Ndoke-Ndoke,” said La Kolopua. “I’m afraid of heights.”
La Ndoke-Ndoke nodded. “Leave it to me!”
Skillfully, he climbed up the tree and reached the large bunch of bananas. Seeing the ripe, delicious fruit, he immediately picked one, peeled it, and took a big bite.
“La Ndoke-Ndoke! Hurry up and throw some down! I want to eat too!” La Kolopua shouted from below.
But La Ndoke-Ndoke was too busy enjoying the bananas by himself. Each time he finished one, he tossed the peel down.
“Mmm… these bananas are so delicious,” he mumbled as he kept eating.
“La Ndoke-Ndoke! I want some too!” La Kolopua called out, growing more frustrated.
But La Ndoke-Ndoke simply said, “Ah, La Kolopua, all of these bananas are bad inside. None of them are good.”
Hearing that, La Kolopua felt disappointed and angry. Instead of arguing, he quietly gathered the banana peels La Ndoke-Ndoke had tossed down and piled them beneath the tree, lost in thought.
After eating his fill, La Ndoke-Ndoke finally climbed down. But the moment he jumped to the ground—
He landed right on the slippery pile of banana peels and—THUD!—he tumbled down, rolling on the ground.
“Ouch! That hurts!” he groaned, holding his bruised body.
La Kolopua was still upset, but seeing his friend in pain, he quickly helped him up. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
For days, La Ndoke-Ndoke lay weak in bed. That was when he realized his mistake.
“La Kolopua… I regret what I did. I was greedy and didn’t share with you. I’m really sorry, my friend,” he said sincerely.
Seeing La Ndoke-Ndoke’s regret, La Kolopua smiled. “I forgive you. Friends should always share, right?”
He then brought out the best medicine and helped La Ndoke-Ndoke recover. From that day on, they became even closer friends.
And they learned an important lesson: True friendship is about sharing and caring for one another.
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