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Merpati Putih

The Awakening of Merpati Putih's Inner Power

Edisi Indonesia: Merpati Putih

Long ago, in the majestic royal palace of Kartosuro, there existed a martial art known only to the royal family. This was Merpati Putih, an ancient martial art passed down through generations, guarded carefully within the palace walls. The name Merpati Putih itself held deep meaning, symbolizing the pursuit of truth through serenity.

In the quietest corner of the palace, there lived a young prince named Handoko. While other royals focused on politics or literature, Handoko was drawn to the ancient knowledge of inner power – the energy that lived within every human being, waiting to be awakened. His teacher, a wise figure known as *Sang Guru* (the Master), had mastered the secret art of channeling inner power (*tenaga dalam*), and now, Handoko was about to receive this knowledge.

One day, as the morning mist lifted from the palace grounds, Sang Guru called Handoko to the secret courtyard. "Handoko, you have trained your body, but now you must train your heart and soul. Merpati Putih is not just about physical strength. It's about balance, inner peace, and sincerity."

Handoko listened carefully. He understood that true power came not from force, but from the harmony between mind, body, and spirit. To demonstrate this, Sang Guru stood before a row of clay jars. With a deep breath, he struck the air – not touching the jars at all – but they shattered one by one, crumbling to dust as if struck by an invisible force.

"That is the tenaga dalam," Sang Guru said calmly, "the power of inner strength that flows from serenity and focus."

Amazed, Handoko dedicated himself to mastering the art, spending years practicing in the courtyard, under the watchful eyes of Sang Guru. Over time, he learned to channel his inner energy, breaking through walls, lifting objects with ease, and even sensing danger from far away. But more importantly, he developed a deeper understanding of himself, learning that the true power of Merpati Putih lay in self-discipline and humility.

As Handoko grew in skill, he realized that this knowledge was too precious to remain locked within the palace. With Sang Guru’s blessing, he sought to share Merpati Putih with the world. "Our strength should be used for the greater good," Handoko said. "We must protect those who cannot protect themselves and contribute to the harmony of the world."

Thus, Merpati Putih spread beyond the palace, its wisdom and techniques reaching warriors, soldiers, and everyday people. Each new student was reminded of the motto: *Sumbangsihku tak berharga, namun keikhlasanku nyata* — "My contribution may be small, but my sincerity is real."

As the years passed, Merpati Putih continued to grow. It became a symbol not just of physical strength, but of mental and spiritual discipline. The descendants of Handoko carried on this legacy, ensuring that the teachings of inner power were passed down to new generations, both in Indonesia and across the world.

In the late 20th century, this once-secret martial art crossed international borders. Two students from America, Nate and Mike Zeleznick, became the first foreigners to study Merpati Putih. They learned the art of inner power, embracing its philosophy of peace, respect, and self-discipline. Eventually, they opened the first American School of Merpati Putih in Utah, introducing the world to this extraordinary form of martial arts.

Through all of this, the spirit of Merpati Putih remained unchanged. Its goal was always the same: to help each student find their own inner strength and to use it with wisdom, sincerity, and peace.

Moral Message

The moral message of this story is that true strength does not come from physical power or violence, but from the harmony between the mind, body, and soul. The martial art of Merpati Putih teaches that self-discipline, inner peace, and humility are the keys to achieving greater strength. Moreover, the strength gained should be used for good purposes, to protect the weak, and to foster harmony in society. Sincerity and contribution, no matter how small, carry immense value.

La Galigo: Final Reflections

Final Reflections

Edisi Indonesia: Penutup

Sawerigading's adventures left an indelible mark not only on himself but also on the human world and the Bugis cosmology. He became known not just as a brave hero, but as a symbol of wisdom, perseverance, and the courage to explore the unknown. His story laid the foundation for Bugis culture, passing on the values of adventure, love, and the interconnectedness of humans and the divine. Through oral tradition, Sawerigading’s tale lives on, inspiring future generations and uniting the visible and invisible worlds, reminding us of the importance of venturing beyond the boundaries of life to truly discover ourselves.

La Galigo


Prologue: Cosmic Beginnings

Chapter 1: The Hero’s Call to Adventure

Chapter 2: Voyages Through the Sea and Other Realms

Chapter 3: Battles and Divine Challenges

Chapter 4: Return to the Human World


Final Reflections


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