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Siuk Bimbim and Siuk Bambam

The Brothers and the Giant: A Tale of Courage and Brotherhood

Siuk Bimbim dan Siuk Bambam >> Edisi Indonesia

A Folktale from Central Kalimantan

In the dense forests of Kalimantan, there lived two brothers, Siuk Bimbim and Siuk Bambam. Since childhood, they had been orphans. Their parents died when Siuk Bimbim was still a baby. Despite facing hardships, Siuk Bambam always took care of Siuk Bimbim with great love. The two never fought; they helped each other, shared laughter, and created beautiful memories amid simplicity.

An Evening at Their Home

One warm afternoon, the sun began to set. Siuk Bambam, with great care, stirred a pot of rice in the kitchen.

“Bimbim, it’s getting late. We don’t have enough food for dinner tonight. I have to go to the barn now to get some rice,” he said.

“Don’t be gone too long, okay, Bambam? Please come back quickly!” Siuk Bimbim replied anxiously.

“Don’t worry. Lock the door and don’t open it for anyone except me, okay?” Siuk Bambam assured him, then stepped outside.

As Siuk Bambam hurried away, Siuk Bimbim felt tired after a long day. Before long, drowsiness overtook him, and he fell into a deep sleep.

When Danger Approaches

The peaceful atmosphere inside the house was suddenly shattered by loud knocks on the door. Siuk Bimbim awoke, his heart racing.

“What was that?” he thought, frightened.

He looked out the window and was shocked to see a giant standing at the door.

“Open the door, little boy! I’m very hungry!” the giant’s voice boomed.

Fear pushed Siuk Bimbim to flee. He ran as fast as he could, continuing until his legs felt weak, and finally collapsed unconscious beneath a tree.

Return to the House

Meanwhile, Siuk Bambam returned from the barn, hands full of rice and vegetables. However, as he approached the house, he noticed something suspicious—the door stood wide open, and the interior was a mess.

“Siuk Bimbim! Where are you?” he shouted, panic rising.

There was no response. As he looked at the footprints leading away from the house, his heart trembled. The prints were not his brother's; they were the giant's!

“Bimbim, no! Where are you?” he cried again, searching everywhere.

Finally, he spotted a small figure beneath a tree, his brother lying unconscious.

“Bimbim! Wake up, Bimbim!” Siuk Bambam rushed over and shook him gently.

At the Magic Well

Siuk Bimbim didn’t respond, and panic overwhelmed Siuk Bambam. Quickly, he lifted Siuk Bimbim and took him to a well known for its magical properties—a place that could heal any illness.

“Drink this water, Bimbim! It can heal you!” Siuk Bambam dropped a few drops of water from the well into Siuk Bimbim's mouth.

After a while, Siuk Bimbim began to regain consciousness, his eyes slowly opening.

“Bambam? Is that you?” he asked weakly.

“Yes, I’m here! The water from this well will make you strong again. I was so worried about you,” Siuk Bambam replied with relief.

With a few sips of the magical water, Siuk Bimbim felt his strength return. He smiled and hugged Siuk Bambam tightly.

“I thought I had lost you! What happened?” he asked, still confused.

“A giant came to our house. But I will never let you down!” Siuk Bambam vowed.

Preparing to Face the Giant

The two brothers walked home, promising not to let anything like that happen again. Siuk Bambam looked at the mess in the house and felt tension in his heart.

“We need to be prepared, Bimbim. If that giant comes back, we have to find a way to face him,” said Siuk Bambam.

“Yes, we can work together! Maybe we can ask the animals in the forest for help. They know this place well,” suggested Siuk Bimbim, a spark of determination returning to his eyes.

“Great idea! We will gather the animals and make a plan. No giant can defeat us if we stand united!” Siuk Bambam said, full of confidence.

The Strength of Brotherhood

As the sun set and the stars began to twinkle, the two brothers prepared for their next adventure. They knew that together, they could face any challenge that lay ahead.

“No matter how big that giant is, our bond is much bigger,” said Siuk Bimbim, gazing at the night sky.

“And together, we will always find a way!” replied Siuk Bambam, smiling proudly.

With renewed spirits, they sat beneath the stars, planning their next journey, confident that whatever happened, they would always stand together.

Moral Message: 

This story reminds us that true courage often shines in the face of danger. Siuk Bambam’s unwavering determination to protect his brother, Siuk Bimbim, illustrates the profound strength of brotherhood. It teaches us that, even in the darkest times, love and commitment can guide us through perilous situations. By standing together and looking out for one another, we can overcome any giant that may come our way.

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