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The Origin of Rumah Gadang

Buffalo Horns and Wisdom: The Minangkabau Triumph

Edisi Indonesia: Asal-usul Rumah Gadang

In a village in Minangkabau, the people lived in peace and prosperity. However, one day, a messenger from the Majapahit kingdom arrived with bad news.

Majapahit Messenger: "We come bearing a message from our king. Majapahit will take over the land of Minangkabau. Prepare for war!"

The Minangkabau people were anxious. They knew they did not have the military strength to fight the large Majapahit army. In their distress, a village elder named Pak Datuk gathered everyone to discuss.

Pak Datuk: "We cannot fight them with physical strength. We must use our cunning. Let us offer a buffalo fight instead."

The people agreed to the idea. A messenger was sent back to Majapahit with the offer. A few days later, the Majapahit messenger returned with an answer.

Majapahit Messenger: "Our king accepts the challenge of a buffalo fight. If our buffalo wins, this land belongs to Majapahit. If your buffalo wins, we will leave."

The day of the buffalo fight arrived. The Majapahit forces brought a large, fierce buffalo to the field. The Minangkabau people gathered, but instead of bringing a large buffalo, they brought a small calf.

Majapahit Soldier: "Hahaha! Are you joking? This calf will never win against our buffalo!"

But Pak Datuk remained calm. The calf was released and immediately ran towards the large Majapahit buffalo. The calf mistook the large buffalo for its mother and started searching for milk under its belly. A small knife was hidden at the tip of the calf's mouth.

Majapahit Buffalo: "Moo...!"

The large buffalo groaned in pain as its belly was cut open by the small knife. In an instant, the Majapahit buffalo collapsed and died.

Majapahit Soldier: "What happened? This is impossible!"

Pak Datuk: "We have won. As per the agreement, you must leave the land of Minangkabau."

The Majapahit forces had to retreat, and the Minangkabau people cheered with joy. To commemorate the victory, they decided to build the Rumah Gadang with a roof resembling buffalo horns, symbolizing their cunning and triumph.

Pak Datuk: "With this Rumah Gadang, we will always remember the cunning of our ancestors and uphold the traditions they have passed down."

This story illustrates how the Minangkabau people used their cunning to defeat a stronger enemy, and how the buffalo horn symbol on the Rumah Gadang became a mark of their pride and identity.

Moral Message

The story teaches us the importance of wisdom and cleverness over brute strength. It shows that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, creativity and intelligence can lead to victory. It also emphasizes the value of tradition and how cultural symbols can preserve the history and identity of a community.

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