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Squirrel and Treeshrew

The Legend of the Treeshrew and the Squirrel: A Tale of Two Friends from the Tropical Forest

Edisi Indonesia: Legenda Tupai dan Bajing

Education Fable of the Archipelago

Once upon a time, in a lush, green forest in Southeast Asia, there lived two creatures that looked quite similar but had different roles in the forest. One was the agile Treeshrew, known for its speed and intelligence. The other was the Squirrel, known for its strength and resourcefulness. Although they were often confused by the other animals, the Treeshrew and the Squirrel were the best of friends.

Every day, the Treeshrew, with its slender body and sharp senses, would dart through the trees, searching for insects and fruit to eat. The Squirrel, on the other hand, spent its days gathering nuts and seeds, storing them carefully for the future. The Treeshrew admired the Squirrel’s hard work, while the Squirrel respected the Treeshrew’s agility and quick thinking.

One day, the other animals in the forest decided to hold a grand festival to celebrate the diversity of creatures living among them. However, as they planned the event, they realized that many of them couldn’t tell the difference between the Treeshrew and the Squirrel. “They look so much alike!” the animals exclaimed. “How can we tell them apart?”

Hearing this, the wise old Owl, the forest’s elder, suggested a challenge. “Let the Treeshrew and the Squirrel show us their unique abilities,” the Owl said. “Through this challenge, we will learn to appreciate their differences and understand their true nature.”

On the day of the festival, all the animals gathered to watch the Treeshrew and the Squirrel perform. First, the Treeshrew took the stage. It dashed through the treetops at lightning speed, its small, lithe body moving effortlessly between branches. It caught a few insects in mid-air, showing its incredible reflexes. The crowd was amazed.

Next, the Squirrel came forward. It used its strong, sharp teeth to crack open the toughest nuts, revealing the rich seeds inside. Then, the Squirrel skillfully stored the nuts in different hiding places, demonstrating its ability to prepare for the future. The animals were equally impressed.

By the end of the festival, everyone in the forest had learned to tell the Treeshrew and the Squirrel apart. The Treeshrew was quick and clever, relying on its sharp senses to navigate the forest. The Squirrel was strong and diligent, ensuring its survival through hard work and planning. 


After the festival, the forest inhabitants became more aware of the differences between the Treeshrew and the Squirrel. They began to pay closer attention when they saw the Treeshrew swiftly moving through the tree branches or the Squirrel busily gathering nuts for storage.

Even though they were often mistaken for one another, now the whole forest knew that the Treeshrew and the Squirrel were two unique friends with their own ways of life. Their friendship grew even stronger because they had helped the forest understand and appreciate their differences.

To help recognize them better:

- The Treeshrew, scientifically known as Tupaia, is a small mammal more closely related to primates in classification, even though it resembles a mouse in appearance. They eat insects, fruits, and sometimes flower nectar.

- The Squirrel, with the scientific name Sciurus (for example, the plantain squirrel is called Callosciurus notatus), is a rodent with strong teeth that feeds on seeds, nuts, and various types of fruits.

By knowing these scientific names, the forest inhabitants and all of us can more easily understand and distinguish between these two friends, while also recognizing them better in the real world.

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