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La Galigo: Prologue

Prologue: Cosmic Beginnings

Edisi Indonesia: Awal Mula Kosmik

In the beginning, before the universe formed as we know it, the Bugis cosmology envisioned the existence of three great realms living in harmony: Botting Langi (the upper world), Ale Lino (the world of humans), and Peretiwi (the underworld). These three worlds were interconnected by a chain of mythological events that laid the foundation for life and determined the fates of the beings inhabiting them.

At the peak of all existence, Botting Langi was the realm of gods and divine spirits. This heavenly domain, filled with grandeur and radiant light, was home to powerful deities who watched over and maintained the balance of the cosmos. One of the highest gods, Sang Patotoqe—the ruler of the heavens and fate—held the power to control the destinies of all creatures. This deity dictated the paths of human lives and created the bloodlines that shaped the relationships between gods, humans, and nature.

In the middle realm, Ale Lino, humans lived among other beings, struggling and thriving within the natural order. This world was brimming with the dynamics of life, where love, struggle, and adventure took place. Ale Lino was the heart of the life cycle, where every creature that was born and died experienced a journey that was intimately connected to both the upper and underworlds.

Below them lay Peretiwi, the realm of darkness and mystery. An enigmatic domain inhabited by mystical beings and the spirits of the earth, Peretiwi was where life did not end but transformed into spirits that continued to influence the upper realms. This underworld was often feared, yet it held infinite wisdom and was key to the cycle of existence.

Sawerigading, the central hero of La Galigo, was born from the bloodline of both humans and divine beings. He was no ordinary man, but one destined to bridge the world of humans and the divine. Born with a great destiny, his life would take him across vast oceans, through mysterious realms, and into encounters with supernatural creatures. Flowing in his veins was the blood of kings, gods, and heroes, making him the beacon of hope to maintain the balance between the upper world, the human realm, and the underworld.

As a descendant of the gods from Botting Langi, Sawerigading possessed strength and knowledge beyond that of ordinary men. However, his journey would not be easy. He would face challenges from the gods, spirits, and creatures inhabiting the Bugis cosmos. Every step of his journey would test his courage, wisdom, and strength as he sought to fulfill the fate written by the rulers of the heavens.

In this prologue, the universe and the hero’s destiny begin to take shape, introducing us to a powerful mythological tapestry that connects gods, humans, and nature. The creation of the world is not merely a cosmic event but the precursor to an epic adventure full of mystery, power, and self-discovery.

La Galigo


Prologue: Cosmic Beginnings

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