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Echoes of Majapahit: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Commission Unveiled

Edisi Indonesia: Pengungkapan Komisi

As the excitement from their recent discovery began to settle, Ciptakarsa and Kadek were approached by a representative of the Majapahit court. The royal commission had heard of their findings and was eager to explore the implications of the lost city. The commission was an exclusive group tasked with overseeing significant cultural and historical projects that would shape the legacy of Majapahit.

The representative, a dignified and stern figure named Raden Wirajaya, arrived at their studio with a sense of urgency. His presence was imposing, his gaze sharp as he surveyed the artifacts and manuscripts laid out before him. Raden Wirajaya’s mission was clear: to assess the significance of Ciptakarsa and Kadek’s findings and determine their value to the empire.

In a formal meeting held within the ornate confines of the studio, Raden Wirajaya listened intently as Ciptakarsa and Kadek presented their discoveries. They spoke of the ancient city’s grandeur, the intricate details of the artifacts, and the potential historical insights that could be gleaned from their research. The atmosphere was tense, with every word carrying weight and every glance scrutinizing their credibility.

Raden Wirajaya’s expression remained inscrutable as he reviewed the items and listened to the account of their journey. After a prolonged silence, he finally spoke. His voice was measured and deliberate, “The significance of these findings cannot be overstated. However, the Majapahit court must fully understand how this knowledge will benefit the empire.”

He proposed a challenge: Ciptakarsa and Kadek would need to create a detailed presentation of their findings, showcasing the potential impact of their discoveries on Majapahit’s understanding of its past. This presentation would be made before the court, where the final decision on how to proceed would be made.

The task was daunting but thrilling. Ciptakarsa and Kadek were given access to the royal archives and the finest artisans in Majapahit to aid in their preparation. They worked tirelessly, crafting a comprehensive and compelling presentation that would highlight the lost city’s relevance to the empire’s history and culture.

As the day of the presentation approached, the city buzzed with anticipation. Invitations had been sent to the most influential figures in Majapahit, and the royal palace was abuzz with preparations. Ciptakarsa and Kadek knew that their work would not only determine their place in the annals of Majapahit history but also shape the future understanding of their empire’s legacy.

In the grand hall of the palace, adorned with the finest tapestries and golden accents, Ciptakarsa and Kadek took their places before the court. Their presentation began, revealing the intricate beauty of the artifacts and the profound implications of their discoveries. The room was silent, every eye fixed on the stage, as the story of the lost city unfolded.

The challenge was not just in presenting their findings but in convincing the court of the value of their work. As they spoke, Ciptakarsa’s thoughts were consumed by the weight of the moment. The fate of their discoveries, and perhaps the future understanding of Majapahit’s past, rested on their ability to convey the significance of their journey.

The presentation concluded with a sense of both accomplishment and trepidation. The court would deliberate, and the decision on how to honor the findings and integrate them into Majapahit’s historical narrative would soon be made. Ciptakarsa and Kadek awaited the verdict, their hearts filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, knowing that their work had only just begun.

Echoes of Majapahit

Intro: Echoes of Majapahit

Prologue: The Painter's Vision

Chapter 1: The Painter's Ambition

Chapter 2: The Royal Commission

Chapter 3: The Journey Into the Jungle

Chapter 4: The Return to Majapahit

Chapter 5: The Commission Unveiled

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